Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Thing About Lapses

THE THING ABOUT LAPSES... see everyone has them. Even little miss "oh i'm in awesome shape here's my stats blah blah blah" aka me. I had a lapse. I had a bad lapse. It coincided with job training, excuse making, and a loss of focus. So here I sit, 5lbs heavier and feeling generally bloated and annoyed. It makes me disappointed to have let myself down like this, and everyone who has been saying "follow your crazy man-armed dreams!" (those supportive but not really understanding what I mean friends).
And Now We Normalize Our Failures (see following explanations):

What is a Lapse?
Why do Lapses Happen?
What Should be Done About Said Lapses?

What is a Lapse? Well, that's the easy question. A Lapse is that piece of cheesecake that becomes that night of drinking that becomes that hangover that becomes the reason you don't go to the gym and then that guilt that makes you feel awful and depressed so you eat more junk food saying "what the hell I already effed the plan!" and then you don't go to the gym again and then 2 days turns into a week turns into an issue. Lapses are totally normal, and can be any number of things for any number of people. It's a break from the plan, falling off track, stumbling into a coffee shop in a PMS crazed delirium and ordering a cheesecake muffin and a mocha made with real cream and whipped topping... and that brings us to...

Why do Lapses Happen????!!! I WANT IT SO BAD, WHY DID I GO OFF TRACK?? Yup. That's probably part of the problem. You might be going too hardcore ass-kicking workout plus no treats or days off and not only will you be mentally burnt out, but your body will start showing signs of overwork and just give up on letting you continue at that pace. It's science, trust me. You will wake up one morning for your regular 6 mile run plus calisthenics plus cross training, eat your regular egg whites with protein shake and pre-workout  vitamins, pop in your headphones for some adrenaline pumping music, and READY.... SET.... feel like shit after 1mile and wind up exhausted and winded despite your training. IT Happens. You need variety. You need to switch up your workouts. You need days off. This applies to the Diet portion too! If you do not allow yourself a reasonable cheat meal here and there (REASONABLE IE: SMALL HEALTHY PORTION ONCE IN A WHILE not a whole tin of brownies) you are going to find yourself feeling extremely deprived. My lapse started with peanut butter. Little by little I went from eating a teaspoon a day to grabbing the container and scooping some out every time I was cooking, and then to just eating half the container one day. Why? Because I had decided that was the only treat I could fit into my diet plan, one teaspoon of peanut butter. I love treats. I love peanut butter. I was not giving myself enough variety in my food. I was not having anything sweet or treat-like. You will have cravings, you will cheat here and there, you do not want to live your life feeling like you don't get to have anything "yummy" ever. So...

What Should be Done About Lapses? Coming out of a Lapse in diet or workout routine can be difficult. I know that I am guilty of throwing my hands in the air and saying, "Well, the plan is ruined. The week is ruined. Let's eat ice cream!"  This is wrong. This is where it helps to reassess your goals, your motivation, and talk to your support group. I have to luck of having not only a wonderful understanding boyfriend, a crazy personal trainer, and a bunch of online forums, BUT I have a friend who is doing the same kind of crazy stuff I am, and we have a Text-if-you-need-me policy. 24/7 if I am staring at a pie, I can text Lydia and say, "why am I staring at pie?" and she will say, "because you aren't gonna eat it because we are going to be on stage together!" or something like that. What I am saying, in my round-about way, is that you should build a support group. Do not involve the toxic likes of friends who say, "oh well, it's only one night at cheesecake factory, have fun!" or "what do you mean you have to work out? Let's go shopping!" but instead look for someone who understands WHY you are doing this, and that you need them to be there for you! They will help you out of your ruts. The most important thing to do about a Lapse is to get out of it!  Do not dwell in your oops and oh well! Close the book on the Lapse and start fresh!

***note, if you have overworked yourself physically, this is a sign to take it easy for a few days and ease yourself back into a routine. Be careful, do not injure yourself!!!***

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